2023 JABF Vol.11(2)    Cover & Contents
  1. Azolla cultured using different manure as a fish feed ingredient
    Anagha Raju and Benno Pereira F.G.    Download
  2. Sex-ratio and size distribution of the sand crab, Emerita (Order: Decapoda; Family: Hippidae) from Thrikkunnapuzha beach of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India
    Bindu L., Sreeja, S., Varsha, K.V., Shameena Majeed1, Deepa R.Pillai.    Download
  3. A study on ichthyofauna in relation to physico-chemical parameters of Mannarappara todu, a tributary of Achenkovil river, southern Kerala
    Deepika A.S. and Raju Thomas K.    Download
  4. Tissue expression profiling, molecular and functional characterization of the antimicrobial peptide β-defensin, Mc–BD, from Grey Mullet, Mugil cephalus
    Dhanya Lenin K.L., Rajeswari Vasu Iyer and Swapna P. Antony    Download
  5. Effects of perchlorate (rocket fuel) on liver and gonad tissues of a freshwater fish Rasbora dandia (Valenciennes, 1844)
    Divya P.S. and Benno Pereira F.G.    Download
  6. Spatial and temporal distribution of meiobenthos in Cochin backwaters, southwest coast of India
    Feebarani, J. and Damodaran, R.    Download
  7. Toxicity of trace metals in mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsskal 1775) collected from Cochin backwaters, Kerala, India
    Jyothirmaye Mohan, Biju A. and Bettina P. Alex    Download
  8. Current status of essential infrastructure and facilities in landing centers of Andaman group of islands, India
    Kalita S., Ramees M.P.V. and Venu S.    Download
  9. Intertidal ichthyofaunal diversity of Agatti island, Lakshadweep
    Mohammed Noushad K., Sathish Kumar P., Idreesbabu K.K. and Sureshkumar S.    Download
  10. Human health risk assessment and study of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in commercially important finfishes and shell fishes collected from Chennai coast, India
    Monica R.D. and Inbaraj R.M.    Download
  11. Biology of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta from south Andaman, India
    Purkayastha, A., Venu, S., Ramees, M.P.V., Kalita, S. and Kashyap, K.    Download
  12. Food and feeding of yellow tail scad Atule mate (Cuvier 1833) from Andaman waters, India
    Ramees, M.P.V., Venu, S., Ameen, U., Parveen, F.P.S. and Kalita S.    Download
  13. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of yellow tail scad Atule mate (Cuvier 1833) from Andaman waters, India
    Ramees, M.P.V., Venu, S., Ameen, U., Kalita, S. and Kashyap, K.    Download
  14. A study on habitat preference of the hill stream loach Mesonoemacheilus triangularis (Day, 1873) from a forested stream of Pamba river in southern Kerala
    Ruby Thomas and Raju Thomas K.     Download
  15. Nine new records of Neogastropod snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Kerala, southwest coast of India
    Sary P.S. and Pramod Kiran R.B.    Download
  16. Molecular identification and characterization of Type I crustin isoforms from the hemocytes of penaeid shrimps, Penaeus monodon and Fenneropenaeus indicus
    Sheethu Annie Vincent, Evelyn Thankachan C.K., Sonima K. Surendran and Swapna P. Antony    Download
  17. Minimum legal size- A study on pomfrets in fish markets of Kochi, Kerala, India
    Shiny K.J.    Download
  18. Physico-chemical characteristics and microbial status with special reference to zooplankton diversity of Sasthamkotta Ramsar Site, Kerala, India
    Sinu, J.V., Anu Mary Johnson and Annies Joseph    Download

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